Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

Paving Crews

The Streets Services Division supports several activities designed to provide maintenance of the City infrastructure and safe, efficient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. A Street Services Division Paving Crew is assigned to perform tasks that require a broad range of experience.

They are skilled in asphalt, heavy equipment, surface mining and reclamation of decomposed granite, storm clean up, repairs and mitigation activities.

The Paving Crew is responsible for paving streets and alleys. They construct new parking lots and install asphalt berms. All dirt streets, shoulders and alleys are graded by the crew when necessary. They also remove illegally dumped materials, maintain, clear debris, and sweep along the bike trails, and provide professional assistance to other departments as needed.


During rain storms or heavy winds, all crews including the Paving Crew are dispatched to remove mud, palm fronds and debris from the streets and stormdrains, dig ditches in front of drain culverts and to fill in wash outs.