Similar to many other local cities, the City of Riverside performs what are called Best Management Practices to reduce the amount of pollution reaching its storm drains. Regular street sweeping is one of the most cost-effective Best Management Practices used to remove sediment, metals, petroleum products, trash and vegetation which accumulate on streets.
An effective program is important for removing debris from roadsides and gutters which could ultimately end up in the storm drains. Keeping the storm drains clear not only helps to mitigate water pollution, but also reduces the likelihood of flooding during heavy rain.

The City of Riverside provides street sweeping on public streets in neighborhoods on the 1st/3rd and 2nd/4th weeks of the month from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Signs are posted on neighborhood streets for your scheduled street sweeping. Residents are required to remove their vehicles from the street during this time. Additionally, weekly street sweeping is completed on main thoroughfares throughout the City. Clean streets keep storm drains clear of debris, reduce the potential for flooding, and prevent pollutants from reaching the Santa Ana River and ocean.