Economic Development & Expansion Rate
Your company can save on its electric bill with discounted rates for relocating or expanding your business in Riverside.
To qualify for this ED rate your business must be:
- A new RPU customer with a minimum demand of 500 kW.
- An existing customer that is adding new load to Riverside of at least 150 kW of monthly electrical demand or 20% of existing load, whichever is higher.
- Willing to sign a 4-year contract to save 40% per month in the first year and 20% in the second year.
- A new qualified research, development or technology company locating to Riverside’s service territory, or a green technology/manufacturing business whose primary purpose is research, development or manufacturing of energy efficiency, alternative energy or renewable energy products.*
To see if you qualify for this rate, please call your account manager at (951) 826-5485.