Energy-Efficient Exit Signs
Riverside Public Utilities offers incentives for replacing older inefficient exit sign lighting with the most energy efficient fixtures available.
Qualified exit sign lighting must be LED or Photo Luminescent Exit signs that replace incandescent or compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). New exit signs must meet City of Riverside fire and building codes (UL 924 Listed or ETL 3039450 compliant) and is subject to approval by RPU. RPU reserves the right to determine product eligibility.
Customer Benefits
Monetary Incentive - Incentives that help offset the cost of purchasing new high efficiency lighting equipment.
Return on Investment - Daily savings on your energy consumption and electric bill from the installation of new high efficiency lighting equipment.
Managing your resources - Effectively managing your resources can help your business or institution save money and increase efficiency.
Cash Incentive
The level of incentive is $25.00 per sign installed that replaces an incandescent or fluorescent fixture. Rebate amount cannot exceed 50% of the lighting product/lighting project costs. This program is offered on a first-come, first served basis and is effective until funding is expended or the program discontinues. RPU reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program at any time.
How Do I Apply?
Complete the Commercial Application, attach any required documentation and mail to:Riverside Public Utilities Programs & Services
3750 University Avenue, 3rd Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
Give your Account Manager a call today at 951-826-5485 for full details on our existing programs or to inquire about future programs, or send us an e-mail at RPURebates@riversideca.gov.