Economic Development Rates
Your company can get up to 40% off its electric bill with discounted rates for relocating or expanding in Riverside!
Your business qualifies for savings if you:
- Relocate your business to Riverside bringing 500 kW or more of monthly electric demand or expand your existing Riverside business by 20% of electric demand or more with a 150 kW minimum, and your business could receive a four-year contract with a 40% discount per month the first year and a 20% discount per month the second year. Discount discontinues in the third and fourth years and will adjust to the appropriate existing rate schedule at that time.
- Relocate your research, technology, green technology or green manufacturing company to Riverside and you may qualify to receive a four-year contract with a 40% discount per month the first year and 20% discount per month the second year. Discount discontinues in the third and fourth years and will adjust to the appropriate existing rate schedule at that time. Qualifying companies are defined by the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes.
See the business incentives catalog and learn more about ED rates.
For additional information please contact us at 951-826-5485 or send us an e-mail.