

Purchasing Code of Ethics

City Images As public employees and purchasing professionals, we owe the State, the City and our institutions our best unbiased judgment every time we expend their money and/or act on their behalf.  We guide our activity through the application and adherence to the following commonly shared values and ethical standards for dealing with vendors and clients:

  1. Avoid unfair practices by granting all competitive suppliers equal consideration insofar as State, Federal and City regulations require.
  2. Conduct business in good faith; demanding honesty and ethical practices from all participants in the purchasing process.
  3. Decline personal gifts or gratuities from present or potential suppliers since this can influence or appear to influence procurement decisions.
  4. Promote positive supplier/contractor relationships by according vendor representatives courteous, fair and ethical treatment.
  5. Make every reasonable effort to negotiate equitable and mutually agreeable settlements of controversies with a supplier(s).
  6. Avoid involvement in any transactions/activities that could be considered to be a conflict between personal interest and the interests of the City.
  7. Know and obey the letter and spirit of laws governing the purchasing function and remain alert to the legal ramifications of purchasing decisions.
  8. Enhance proficiency by acquiring and maintaining current technical knowledge and pursuing related educational opportunities and professional growth.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Finance Department is to provide fiduciary control of the City's assets, perform fiscally related services, and provide accurate, timely and useful financial information to support the delivery of municipal services to the City organization and the public. The Finance Department consists of the Administration, Accounting, Financial Resources, and Purchasing & Risk Management Divisions.
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