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Historic Sites Inventory & Studies

The Historic Resources Inventory Viewer is a web-based map application that allows you to view Historic Properties and data related to that property in Riverside.

View Historic Sites

Historic Resources Inventory Disclaimer:

All addresses shown are not historic. To identify historic properties, you'll want to check if the property is designated as a City Landmark or Structure of Merit or listed as a contributor to a Historic District or Neighborhood Conservation Area.



Historic Properties

The City maintains an active program to designate historic resources. The Cultural Resources Ordinance (Title 20) recognizes four types of local designation:

  • City Landmark - A cultural resources of the highest order of importance
  • Structure of Merit - A cultural resource that is important, but a lesser level of significance or integrity than a City Landmark
  • Historic District - A geographically defined area within the City that has a significant concentration of cultural resources that represent themes important in local history.
  • Neighborhood Conservation Area (NCA) - Similar to a historic district, but with resources of somewhat lesser significance and/or with a lesser concentration of resources.

As part of the goals and policies of the Historic Preservation Element of the General Plan, Riverside also maintains an active and systematic program to survey cultural resources citywide. Surveys are completed for a variety of reasons. They tell us what properties are architecturally and historically significant and what properties are eligible for designation. They also facilitate environmental review processes, promote heritage tourism initiatives, and serve as the basis for establishing historic districts and developing design guidelines. Finally, surveys foster civic and neighborhood pride and further knowledge of, and appreciation for, Riverside’s cultural heritage. Information on properties that have been surveyed can be accessed from the Historic Resources Inventory.


Wondering how you can use the Historic Property Viewer?

Property owner: you may want to use this inventory as a tool for determining if your property is historically designated and requires review of exterior modification or is eligible for the Mills Act program.

Realtor: you may want to identify if a property is historically designated and find information reading the properties history.

Researcher: you may want to use this inventory to review previous survey information for properties, historic districts , and neighborhood conservation areas.  



A property is considered historic for the following reasons:
  • The property meets one or more of the criteria for either City Landmark or Structure of Merit designation.
  • The property meets one or more of the criteria for listing in the California and/or National registers.
  • The property is listed as a contributor to a Historic District or Neighborhood Conservation Area
  • The general rule of thumb is 50 years old, however age is not exactly a factor in the determination of historic significance and a property of any age can be historically designated in the City of Riverside. To be considered historic a property meets criteria established in Title 20 of the Riverside Municipal Code, the California Register of Historical Resource, and/or the National Register of Historic Places.
  • If your property is not listed, it has not been reviewed for historic significance. If your property is over 50 years old, it is recommended that you contact the Planning Division to confirm.
  • If your property is designated or eligible for designation, all exterior alterations, additions, and repairs require a Certificate of Appropriateness application that must be reviewed by the Cultural Heritage Board and/or Historic Preservation Staff. This includes alterations that do not require building permits.
  • If a property is meets one or more of the City Landmark or Structure of Merit criteria, an application for historic designation can be found on the Planning Division website and submitted to the Planning Division. This inventory can help provide information for complete the application. Other major locations to complete research on a historic properties in Riverside are the Planning Division, Riverside Public Library, and the Riverside Municipal Museum.

Cultural Resources Studies

Riverside maintains an active program to develop Cultural Resources studies and survey citywide focusing on geographic areas, architectural styles, and ethnically based communities. These studies tell the story of the City’s history with a specific focus. 

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