Are you and/or your fellow neighbors passionate about preserving or improving your neighborhood amenities, aim to establish a positive relationship with local government, and want to increase interaction among residents? We encourage you to get in contact with our team to start a neighborhood group!
A neighborhood group is an organized group of residents who work together to represent the interests of their neighborhood. Effective neighborhood groups build stronger communities through advocacy and organizing community activities.
Including your neighborhood group information in our directory is a way to inform your organization of city services, activities, and programs. It also serves as a resource for residents who want to engage in organizations where they live.
The benefits of Forming a Neighborhood Group are:
- Builds stronger relationships and pride among neighbors
- Creates an organized and unified voice for city government
- Empowers residents to identify community needs and initiate positive change
Register or Update:
Neighborhood Groups are formed by residents who organize to meet specific goals. They improve and maintain the quality of life in their neighborhood.
Community Organizations – Community organizations are voluntary, not-for-profit groups. They can be city-wide organizations such as:
- Governmental or public service agencies
- Boards or Commissions
- Ward specific neighborhood meetings
- Groups representing special populations
Renewal Process
Registered groups and community organizations must renew their registration at least once every twelve (12) months to maintain accurate group/organization information.
Note: The City of Riverside may remove a group/organization from the registry if it has not been renewed in the past twelve (12) months. Once removed from the registry. Groups may re-register at any time.