Museum of Riverside

Museum of Riverside

Heritage House

8193 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504
(951) 826-5273 (Museum of Riverside)

Heritage House & Gift Shop Hours

The house is normally open from the first weekend after Labor Day through the last full weekend in June. Closed in July and August. Reservations required.  Book your tour via Eventbrite!

Friday – Sunday: Open 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.
Last tour starts at 3:15 p.m.
Closed Monday through Thursday.  Open for special events.

Events at Heritage House

Admission: Free. A suggested donation of $5 supports care of the house.

Free on-site parking is available in the lot behind the house. The driveway to the lot is located to the right (north) of the house.  If the lot is full, please use street parking available on Magnolia Avenue.

ADA Access
Limited accessible parking is available in the house parking lot. An onsite employee or volunteer will assist in using the wheelchair lift located on the side of the rear entrance to the house. Only the first floor can be accessed using the lift. The second floor is accessible only via the staircase.

Room Rentals/Reservations
The Heritage House does not currently host weddings or other rental events.

School and Group Programs
Please make reservations at least three weeks in advance. To make a reservation, please call Museum Tours at (951) 826-5273 or contact us by email:


About Heritage House

Owned by the Museum of Riverside, this elegant 1891 Victorian home imagines life in turn-of-the-20th-century Riverside. It's a reminder of the affluent homes that once graced Magnolia Avenue.  Heritage House began as a project of the Riverside Museum Associates, a volunteer support group of the Museum of Riverside. Restored and maintained in a manner reflective of its nineteenth-century construction, this grand house is now a meticulously researched example of historic tastes, values, and lifestyle. Mr. and Mrs. James Bettner settled in Riverside in the late 1870s, within a decade of the young town's founding.

A Place - A Time . . .

According to an 1895 article in Harper’s Bazaar magazine, young couples of moderate means could expect to spend between $5,000 and $10,000 in the construction of a house, excluding the cost of a lot. The Bradstreet Index, in 1895, recognized Riverside as enjoying the highest per capita income in the United States. Citizens were indeed prosperous, thanks largely to citrus horticulture, but they were not millionaires. Catharine Bettner's net worth in 1892, for instance, was $18,755, or about $610,405 adjusted to 2022 values.

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