Parks, Recreation and Community Services
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Park Projects


In 2012 the City completed over 100 million dollars of park capital improvement projects through the "Riverside Renaissance Initiative".  Park infrastructure replacement needs are ongoing and we continue to work on various renovation and Improvement projects each year per the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). 
Click here, to view the CIP Budget.


To check out all of current park projects, click here



The City of Riverside is getting a new gymnasium at Bordwell Park! For full details, view the City Council Memorandum.

The Parks, Recreation, and Community Service Department is looking for the input of residents around Bordwell Park to help determine the functionality, look, and presence of the new gym. Take the survey.

Note: the survey closes on Monday, September 30, 2024.


About Bordwell Park

Bordwell Park is in the City of Riverside's Eastside neighborhood, one of the City's oldest and largest residential neighborhoods. The park lacks indoor sports and recreation space and needs a gymnasium to host organized team sports, drop-in play, and a variety of other expanded recreation programming for all generations. The park is home to an active community center with senior programming, children' s after school programs and city-wide special events like Snow Play Day where snow is brought to the park in for kids who otherwise may not have a chance to play in snow. The gymnasium will allow for expansion of programs and facilities to provide low or no - cost recreation opportunities and team sports to encourage healthy and active lifestyles, strengthen community bonds, and provide a better quality of life for the surrounding residents. The gym will provide activities and opportunities for children and all residents to engage in productive and meaningful activities that would help divert at-risk youth and young adults from engaging in risky and unhealthy activities. The park serves disadvantaged and severely disadvantaged communities within a half -mile service area and is immediately adjacent to Emerson Elementary School, making the park a prime location for a gym.


ARPA Background

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to facilitate the recovery from the devastating economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Rescue Plan Act established the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSFRF) and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF), which provides a combined $350 billion in assistance to eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to assist in the economic and health recovery by providing resources to address impacts resulting from the crisis.

The City received Fiscal Recovery Funds in two installments for a total amount of $73,535,189. The first allocation in the amount of $36,767,594 was received in June 2021, and 12 months later in June 2022 the second half in the amount of $36,767,594.

Parks projects included in the most recent allocation of ARPA funds to include  an additional $3 million for a gymnasium construction project at Bordwell Park for a total of $8 million; and $10 million for playground resurfacing at 15 parks, replacing playground equipment at 7 parks, repairs to the heating and air conditioning systems at 10 park buildings, parking lot repairs at 7 parks, and replacing floors in 3 community centers across the city.  For the full list, go to view the City Council Memorandum.

For more information please visit:


Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be granted unless class is cancelled. Credits will be issued for the amount of the course if the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department is notified before the second class meeting. Exceptions – Special Events, Aquatics, Lifeguard Training, Day Camps, and After School programs, due to high demand and limited spacing, credits, transfers or refunds will not be issued.
Refunds will not be granted for Youth Sports programs, however credits will be issued if requested in writing two weeks prior to the first scheduled game.
Online registration transaction fees are non-refundable.