The new 69kV subtransmission line segments will provide additional connections from Riverside’s existing generation facilities to key substations to relieve the congestion (overloads) and provide sufficient power flow to meet existing electric system demand during normal and planned/unplanned outage conditions within Riverside’s electric system. In addition, the connections of the substations will allow for Riverside’s electric facilities to run effectively and efficiently. The project is designed to increase reliability and strengthen RPU’s subtransmission system.
Project Segments
Project construction will occur in multiple segments and will consist of the below:
Estimated Project Timelines
Mid 2019 – Early 2020
Underground conduit and structure installation.
Late 2019 – Early 2020
RPU Staging Yard construction
Early 2020 - Mid 2020
Drilled Pier Foundations for Steel Poles from RERC to Harvey Lynn Substation
Early 2021 - Mid 2022
Installation of Steel and/or Wood Poles and construction of overhead lines from RERC to Harvey Lynn Substation
Early 2025 - Mid 2026
Installation of Drilled Pier Foundations, Steel and/or Wood Poles, and construction of overhead lines from RERC to Freeman Substation.
Construction Gallery
Drilling machine utilized for the installation of drilled pier foundations

Cages installed in the ground for the drilled pier foundations

Concrete work performed for the installation of drilled pier foundations

Drilled pier foundation

Drilled pier foundation

Steel pole installed

Answers to the questions you may have.
The project is a portion of RTRP, however, construction of the 69kV lines from RERC to Harvey Lynn Substation and RERC to Freeman Substation are not dependent on Southern California Edison’s (SCE) 230kV project portion scope of work, approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in March 2020. The 69kV Subtransmission System Reliability project segments from RERC to Harvey Lynn and Freeman substations are necessary to improve the electric system reliability within the City. For additional information regarding RTRP, visit the RTRP page.
The project route was proposed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and certified by City Council on February 5, 2013. Within the EIR, Project Alternatives related to the 69kV Subtransmission Line Routes were reviewed, evaluated and the environmentally preferred/superior low-cost alternative was recommended/approved. The following factors were considered during the process:
Significant visual impacts to designated Scenic Roadways
Significant construction impacts to traffic
Effects to existing infrastructure
Number of schools, homes, and day cares adjacent to the routes
Utilization of existing subtransmission lines
Find more information pertaining to the EIR Project Alternatives.
Should your landscaping be impacted during construction, all reasonable efforts will be made to restore the site to its original state.
The CPUC does not consider EMF to be an environmental issue in the context of CEQA because there is no agreement among scientists that EMF creates a health risk, and because CEQA does not define or adopt standards for defining any potential risk from EMF.
Historical Timeline
Item | Date |
Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) began holding public meetings throughout the environmental review process | April 2006 |
RPU issued the Draft Environment Impact Report (EIR) for public review | August 2011 |
Public Meeting Continued Notice | December 18, 2012 |
City Council certified Final Environmental Impact Report | February 5, 2013 |
Board of Public Utilities Authorization for Installation of three steel pole foundations, steel pole, and wood pole at corner of Doolittle Ave. and Van Buren Blvd. | June 11, 2018 |
Board of Public Utilities Authorization for Electrical Conduit and Structures Installation |
June 24, 2019 |
Board of Public Utilities Authorization for the 69kV Materials Yard |
August 26, 2019 |
Board of Public Utilities Authorization for Drilled Pier Foundations & Potholing for RERC to Harvey Lynn line Board Report |
November 25, 2019 |
October 26, 2020 |
Notice of Availability & Notice of Completion of Draft EIR
Notice of Availability of Final EIR
Additional information related to the Riverside Transmission Reliability Project