The Code Enforcement is a division of the Community & Economic Development Department tasked with enforcing the City’s Municipal Code related to such matters as zoning, substandard housing, public nuisances, property maintenance, abandoned vehicles and other quality of life issues that would contribute to blight in the community.
Staff is assigned to one of numerous functions within the Division:

Senior Code Enforcement Officers
Senior Officers are responsible for the day to day management and operations of their assigned teams. Senior Officers oversee the area code enforcement activities as well as specialized teams within the Division.
Area Officers
The City is divided into four geographic areas and a Code Enforcement Officer is assigned to each. The area officer addresses incoming complaints within that area.
Administrative Support Staff
Administrative Assistants and Senior Office Specialists support field staff by completing administrative duties, mailing notices, handling customer calls and counter visits and numerous other support functions.
Public Safety Engagement Team (PSET)
Officers address homeless encampments and transient related complaints on public property and work in conjunction with City of Riverside Police Department, Public Works and Homeless Outreach.
Weed Abatement
Officers are assigned to identify and abate weeds on vacant lots twice a year and survey the City for fire fuel mitigation.
Abandoned Vehicle Abatement
Officers proactively survey all parts of the City to identify and abate abandoned and inoperative vehicles.
RESET/Student Workers
Student workers are assigned to the sign abatement team and remove signs that have been illegally placed in the right-of-ways.
Ward Action Teams (W.A.T.)
The purpose of the WAT is to better coordinate and streamline City responses to high priority quality of life cases in each Council Ward.