Riverside Fire Department

Emergency Preparedness Program Request

Submit a program request with the Fire Department – Office of Emergency Management

Major disasters can affect families, communities and businesses. It takes all aspects of the community to effectively prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. Communities must work together to develop capabilities to respond quickly, and recover in a way that increases our community’s resilience.

To help you be Ready Riverside, the Riverside Fire Department - Office of Emergency Management has information and resources available. Our Staff is available to conduct Community Emergency Preparedness & Response Programs to requesting Neighborhood, Organizations, or Community groups within the City of Riverside.

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, please complete this request form.

*Request must be at least 30 days in advance.

*Must be in the City of Riverside.

*Must be open/free to those attending.

*We will do our best to accommodate requests based on staff availability and date of request. Presentations may be subject to change if necessary

For further information please contact: Philip Stachelski, Community Preparedness Coordinator at pstachelski@riversideca.gov or (951) 320-8104.

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