Greetings to all our FEMA and USAR Leaders;
Attached are the up to date information for you and your members to help them properly understand the benefits that might be available to them, if they served in our Nation’s time of need at the WTC, Pentagon or Pennsylvania. Note there are different affidavits depending upon where one served. These forms were updated to include the fully extended and permanent 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting every responder who served back then into the WTC/Pentagon Health Programs. Things were further exacerbated that the final rules were not promulgated for our Pentagon responders until March of 2013. Our recent 9/11 Pentagon Outreach in Virginia exposed the fact that this information needs to be spread to as many active and retired IAFF members as possible.
The WTC responders need to have the following: Present on 9/11; 4 hours 9/12 – 9/14; or 24 hours between 9/15 and 9/30; or 80 hours between October and May of 2002.Our Pentagon responders need to have served a minimum of 4 hours between 9/11 and November 19th, 2001. Both would need to have at least two affidavits (attached) completed by others they were there with. The WTC/Pentagon Health Program scrutinize these affidavits carefully.
Important to realize a member does not need to be sick or ill to be in the program. You would have to download an application from https://www.cdc.gov/wtc/apply.html. After receiving acceptance into the WTC/Pentagon Health Program, you can call the Health Program at 888-982-4748 to make appointments, or help you with any questions you may have. A member would have to provide two affidavits (attached) or other proof of their involvement. Once registered, any WTC/Pentagon Certified condition would receive prescription benefits, medical treatment and testing without any deductibles or copays

Not everyone is making the connection between their Cancer and their exposure back at the WTC or Pentagon site back around and after 9/11. The question is more complex because so much time has passed. Too often our members do not realize that their exposure to the toxic air (that the Government said was safe) around 9/11 might have contributed to their Cancer. It is important to realize that it is a presumption due to the Zadroga Bill and meeting the required exposure guidelines. Note: Anyone with Cancer from their exposure should contact us immediately so that we can help them in their time of need. Since Skin Cancer is the most prevalent Cancer that the 9/111 Pentagon and WTC Health Program are seeing, members should get themselves checked for this.
Please look over and share the attachments and do not hesitate to call me with any questions or concerns. It would be appreciated.
NOTE: Important Deadlines:
- There is no deadline for the WTC and Pentagon Health Programs and they run until 2090.
- The current 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund also runs until October 1st, 2090 NOW.
- After the WTC or Pentagon Health Program Certifies a condition or illness, members would have two years to apply to the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund to be eligible.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If a member had Cancer in the past, and had never connected it to their 9/11 WTC or Pentagon Exposure, there is still time to protect themselves , their families and their future. The 2 year deadline ONLY starts once the WTC or Pentagon Health Program condition gets Certified by the Program. This includes our IAFF members who have recently passed from their possible exposure. Call me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for looking after our members who stepped up in our Nation’s time of need.
Bill Romaka, Barasch & McGarry
9/11 Pentagon & WTC Health & Compensation Outreach Coordinator
11 Park Place, Suite 1801
New York, New York 10007
Office: 212-385-8000
Fax: 212-385-7845
Cell: 917-834-1414
Contact US&R
Phone (951) 826-5827
E-mail USARcatf6@RiversideCA.gov
Hours Monday - Friday | 8:00am - 5:00pm