The City of Riverside is pleased to announce an Artist in Residency (AIR) opportunity.
This opportunity and pilot program is funded through ARPA monies in partnership with our community partner, the Riverside Arts Council.
The Artist in Residency Program will build partnerships with communities and neighborhoods in order to provide unique artist residencies that result in strengthening the value of art participating in and responding to the advancement of civic and artistic engagement.
The City is looking to identify six (6) Riverside-based artists to research and engage with the wards of the City and then use that research to develop new work(s) in those neighborhoods. The amount each of Residency can be up to $25,000 for each artist depending on the number and/or size of the mural that is produced with production costs for each ward up to approximately $5,000 (lifts, paints, permits, etc.).
Submit application to by February 21, 2025.
Application period has closed.