Riverside Police Department
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

Opportunity with Education (OWE)




"We OWE it to our kids"





OPPORTUNITY WITH EDUCATION (Middle & High School Grade Level Teens)


Applications are being accepted throughout the year at the link below.

Apply Now


OPPORTUNITY WITH EDUCATION was created to provide education and mentoring to our youth through positive interactions with police officers, educators, prosecutors, and other professionals, rather than the influences from the culture of criminal elements. This is not a boot camp or “scared straight” type program, but one designed to positively redirect “at-risk” youth between the ages of 12 to 17 (middle & high school age), through topic lectures, tours, physical fitness, community service, and close order drill. Choices and consequences will be stressed throughout the program, and the opportunity to build self-esteem, leadership qualities, and change to positive social behaviors will be available to all participants which will aid in breaking the cycle of criminal behavior, while encouraging them toward success.

O.W.E. is held at California Baptist University from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (with some time exceptions) on Saturdays for 12 consecutive weeks. The O.W.E. program takes place twice a year from September to November and February to April, with applications accepted throughout the year, and is free to participating families and you do not need to be a resident of Riverside to apply.

WHAT DOES THE PARENT PARTICIPATION MEAN? Well, each youth will attend our program from 8 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on most Saturdays, with just a couple exceptions on the times. But, each parent/legal guardian is required to attend our program from 8:00 a.m. to about 11:30 a.m. each Saturday, again with just a couple exceptions on the times. The parents/legal guardians will then return to pick up their teen once their day is completed. We will not accept any youth into our program unless the parents/legal guardians commit to being there also each week.

ARE BOTH PARENTS REQUIRED TO ATTEND EACH WEEK? If both parents are available each week, then it would be in the best interests of your family for both parents to attend. We understand childcare, work, and family dynamcis are issues with not being able to have both parents attend each week and we will work with you regarding those issues. If parents are separated/divorced, we still encourage both to attend the program unless there are current custody or restraining orders which would prevent one parent from attending. If you want your youth to attend our program, they need to see their parent attend also.

WHAT DOES A TYPICAL SATURDAY LOOK LIKE? A typical Saturday begins with all our participating parents and teens arriving at the Cal Baptist Mission Hall building ready to start at 8:00 a.m. From 8 am – 9:30 am, the parents and youth will separate and attend group counseling with our therapists from Life Source Solutions. Next, there will be a presentation from 9:30 am – 11:00 am for the parents and youth. The presentations each week will cover topics like:


  • Juvenile Law
  • Drug Awareness
  • Dangers of Alcohol
  • Internet, Social Media, & Gaming Safety
  • Teen Sex Trafficking
  • Relationship Boundaries
  • Gang & Criminal Culture
  • Jail Tour
  • Community Service
  • Leadership & Team Building


One Saturday class presentation will be a tour of the downtown Riverside jail for the teens who are 14 years and older. After the presentation on most Saturdays, the parents will be able to leave. But, we will need your youth picked up a couple hours later after they eat lunch and participate in a physical fitness activity, which typically ends around 1:00 p.m. On the Saturdays we have lunch and the physical fitness activity, each youth will need to bring a sack lunch. After physical fitness, the teens will be dismissed for pick up.


For more information, please contact Ofc. Ryan Railsback at (951) 826-5959 or email at [email protected].