Riverside Public Utilities
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires


The City of Riverside is a founding member of the Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA). Through SCPPA, Riverside has access to significant and cost-effective power generation, transmission, and efficiency resources. Riverside’s City Council and Board of Public Utilities have full control over SCPPA expenditures through the budget adoption process and approval of all expenditures over $50,000.

SCPPA is a joint power agency formed by local public power providers to work together in planning, financing, development, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, betterment, operating and maintenance of electric power facilities and resources. Current SCPPA members include municipal utilities of the cities of Anaheim, Azusa, Banning, Burbank, Cerritos, Colton, Glendale, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Riverside, Vernon and the Imperial Irrigation District. SCPPA members collectively serve nearly five million residents in Southern California.

Online Documents

SCPPA Presentations

SCPPA Approval Processes

Organizational Documents


SCPPA Document Archive
  • SCPPA Presentations
  • SCPPA Approval Processes
  • SCPPA Board Documents
  • Bi-Annual Expenditure Reports
  • Power Generation and Transmission Contracts
  • Energy Efficiency Contracts