Riverside Public Utilities

Board Members

Riverside's Board of Public Utilities is composed of nine citizen-volunteers appointed by the City Council to four-year terms without compensation. Learn more. Please e-mail us at BPU@RiversideCA.gov.

Riverside's Board of Public Utilities is composed of nine citizen-volunteers appointed by the City Council to four-year terms without compensation.

Board members oversee the utility's policies, operations, revenues, expenditures, planning, and regulatory compliance. In addition to bi-weekly Board meetings, members also serve on subcommittees to provide input on the development of new facilities and equipment; performance measures; programs to conserve energy and water resources; and appropriate technology to protect our water supply and secure our energy resources.

The citizen-volunteers who serve on the Board of Public Utilities provide an ongoing, year-round review of all actions by Riverside Public Utilities before any measure is sent to the elected City Council representatives for final determination.

The Board of Public Utilities normally meets at 6:30pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Art Pick Council Chamber, located next to City Hall at 3900 Main Street, Riverside, CA, 92501. Board meetings are open to the public.


Rebeccah A. Goldware

(Board Chair)
Ward 2 | Term expires March 2028


Brian D. Siana

(Board Vice Chair)
Citywide | Ward 2 | Term expires March 2029


Sandra Polichetti

Ward 1 | Term expires March 2028


Gary Montgomery

Ward 4 | Term expires March 2029


Tom Evans

Ward 5 | Term expires March 2029



Ward 6



Ward 7


Peter Wohlgemuth

Citywide | Ward 1 | Term expires March 2028


Warren Avery

Citywide | Ward 3 | Term expires March 2026