The Building & Safety Division exists to protect the built environment while providing responsive professional services that facilitate development in the City. We advise on construction related laws, codes and standards, local building ordinances and the City’s development process. The Division collects fees and issues building permits, performs plan reviews and conducts building inspections, ensuring construction in the city is safe, accessible and code compliant. Building & Safety also supports the City’s emergency preparedness and disaster response efforts that impact buildings, ensuring the habitability and safe occupancy of structures in the City.

On an annual basis, the Division issues approximately 6,000 building permits, services over 20,000 customers and completes over 50,000 building inspections in support of the City’s continued growth, helping you BUILD Riverside.
Enabling timely construction projects that result in a safe, sustainable and well-built environment.
Mission Statement
To protect the health, safety and welfare of our residents and visitors through the equitable enforcement of building standards, which serve to safeguard our built environment, ensure sustainable facilities and enhance the quality of place for our community.
News & Highlights
New California Building Codes Effective January 1, 2023
Notice to Public - End of Emergency Orders and Permit/Entitlement Expirations
AB 3002 Notice - Disabled Access Requirements & Resources
AB 3002 - Translation in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Other Languages
Earthquake Brace and Bolt Program Overview and Eligible Zip Codes
Did You Know?
Garage Doors - SB 969: To ensure that California residents can safely and expeditiously evacuate their residence during an unplanned emergency, this law requires the manufacturers of automatic garage door openers sold in the state on or after July 1, 2019 to include a backup battery. The law also prohibits any person, corporation or entity from installing a residential automatic garage door opener without a backup battery on or after this date. Recent fires in the state have proven that emergency escape through a dwellings garage is needed when power is out to help prevent entrapment of occupants.