CRV Recycling Station

In an effort to increase recycling and redemption of California Refund Value (CRV) bottles and cans, the City of Riverside implemented the ‘CRV Recycling Station Loaner Program’. This program allows non-profits and local Riverside groups to easily collect CRV bottles and cans at their community events, such as fairs, festivals, neighborhood gatherings, relays, and church functions. Use is restricted to events held in the City of Riverside.

How the Program Works

The City of Riverside will provide special event recycling stations for collecting CRV materials for qualifying events. These collection systems make identification of CRVs easy and can lower contamination. They will be provided at no cost to non-profits, clubs, schools, churches and other organizations on a first-come, first-serve basis. Up to five (5) event recycling bins and five (5) liner bags will be provided upon approval. Additional bags must be provided by the users.

Complete the request form below and submit the completed form via email to Archie Washington at Once approved, the applicant will be contacted and a date/time will be scheduled for pick-up of the recycling stations. A return date/time will be scheduled at the time of pick-up. CRV Recycling Stations should be returned clean and in good working order to ensure that this program can be continued for others. Along with the stations a copy of the receipt of the CRV weight must also be submitted. Damaged or non-returned stations will result in a charge of $60.00 to the applicant.

Bagged CRVs may be redeemed at any certified recycling center or call 1-800-RECYCLE to find the nearest location.

If you should have any questions or would like to reserve/schedule a CRV Recycling Station for your event, please contact Christina Navaratnam, City of Riverside Solid Waste Division at

Recycling Loaner Application