Riverside Public Utilities
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions related to RPU's water development services.

Will RPU Water review my building permit?

Yes, RPU Water reviews most building permits. When you submit your building permit to the Building and Safety Department, they will route the required plans to RPU Water. RPU Water will review the building permit based on the following criteria:

  • If the property is outside RPU’s service territory, the building permit will be automatically approved. The applicant may determine their water service provider by clicking on Service Provider or by contacting Water Development at 951-826-5285.
  • If a water service and/or meter upgrade is not requested or required based on RPU’s review of the plans, the building permit will be automatically approved.
  • If a water service and/or meter upgrade is needed, please email a completed Water Service Application to [email protected]. The building permit will be approved once the water service application is received or water plan is submitted.

If you have any further questions or need any additional explanation, please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285 or via email at [email protected].

How do I obtain my Certificate of Occupancy?

Certificate of Occupancy’s are issued by the Building and Safety Department. Please contact the Building and Safety Department at 951-826-5697 or visit http://www.riversideca.gov/building/ for further information.

What should I do if I think there is a water leak on my property or in the street?

Please contact the 24-Hour Electric & Water Emergency line at (951) 782-0330.

In which areas does RPU provide water service?

RPU serves a majority of the City of Riverside (except small portion) as well as some unincorporated areas of Riverside County. To determine the water provider for a particular property, please click on this link.

If you have any additional questions or need any additional explanation please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285 or via email at [email protected].

How do I determine the static water pressure at a particular property?

To determine the static pressure for a specific property, please call Water Development at (951) 826-5285.

In order to properly assist you, please have the property location (i.e. Assessor's Parcel Number, cross streets or address) really available.

How can I determine the pressure zone that serves a particular property?

To determine the pressure zone of a particular property, please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285 or via email at [email protected].

How can I determine the size and location of an existing water meter serving a property?

In order to obtain water meter information for a specific property, please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285.

In order to properly assist you, please have the property location (i.e. Assessor's Parcel Number, cross streets or address) really available.

How can I obtain as-built drawings for existing water lines?

To obtain as-built water plans, please submit a completed Data Research Request Form to [email protected] or contact Water Development at 951-826-5285. Please provide a site plan with your application identifying the requested area. As-built plans will be emailed to you within 7 business days.

How can I request a fire flow test to determine the available fire flow to a project/property?

To obtain fire flow results, please submit a completed Fire Flow Test Request Form to [email protected] or contact Water Development at 951-826-5285. Please provide a site plan with your application identifying the requested area. Fire flow results will be emailed to you within 7 business days. RPU provides this service at no charge.

How do I obtain a water meter for an existing parcel of land?

To obtain a water meter, please submit a completed Water Service Application to [email protected] or contact Water Development at 951-826-5285.

How much does it cost to relocate an existing water meter?

The cost to relocate an existing water meter will depend on the size and location of the service lateral and meter.

In order to obtain a fee estimate, please call Water Development - (951) 826-5285.

How can I upgrade my water meter?

To upgrade an existing water meter, please submit a completed Water Service Application to Water Development at [email protected]

If you have any further questions or need any additional explanation please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285 or via email at [email protected]

How much does it cost to install a water service to my property?

The overall cost to install a service varies based on the development fees and construction costs for the specific service being requested. The costs are outlined in the RPU’s Water Rules 10 and 11. To obtain a fee estimate, please contact Water Development at (951)826-5285 or via email at [email protected].

What companies are approved to test backflow assemblies?

A list of Certified Backflow Prevention Testers is maintained by the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health. You may find additional information regarding backflow assemblies at RPU’s Backflow webpage.

If you have any further questions or need any additional explanation please contact Water Operations at (951) 351-6167 or (951)351-6282 or via email at [email protected]

How do I obtain a construction water meter (i.e. fire hydrant meter) and what are the costs?

Requests for construction water meters can be processed over the phone or in person at one of our Customer Service Centers.

  • RPU Madison Customer Resource Center located at 3025 Madison St between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (Monday through Friday) and closed on Saturday
  • Orange Square Customer Service Center located at 3901 Orange St between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm (Monday through Friday) and 9:00am to 12:30pm (Saturday)
  • By Phone at (951)782-0330 between the hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm (Monday through Friday) and 8:00am to 1:00pm (Saturday)

Once the request is processed, the construction water meter will be delivered and installed at the desired fire hydrant by RPU Staff within 2 business days. There is an account setup fee and a meter security deposit for all City supplied construction meters requested. See Water Appendix A for fee and deposit amounts. If you have any further questions please see flyer below or please feel free to contact Water Development staff at (951) 826-5285 or via email at [email protected].

What are the Plan Check submittal requirements for a water plan?

The plan check submittal requirements are as follows:

  • Please submit a completed Plan Check Application along with the water plan, plan check deposit and other reference civil plans (i.e. street improvement, grading, sewer, etc.). Please refer to Design Policy section 1.04 for the water plan approval process.
  • The plan check deposit shall be determined based on the type of water plan submitted. If you are proposing water service connections to an existing water main, please submit a composite utility plan, see sample plan. If you are proposing a water main extension, please submit a water plan per City Standard CWD-010 and Design Policy section 3.0.
  • Please allow 20 business days for first plan check and 10 business days for all subsequent plan checks.

If you have any further questions or need any additional explanation please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285 or via email at [email protected].

What are the plan review time frames?

First plan checks are reviewed within 20 business days. All subsequent plan checks are reviewed within 10 business days.

What are the separation requirements between dry utilities (power, cable, fiber optic, telecom, gas) and water mains or laterals?

The minimum separation between water main and dry utilities is 5 feet horizontal (between edge of existing pipe and edge of proposed pipe and 1 foot vertical. Increased clearance may be required for crossings of large or hazardous utilities and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Water Development at 951-826-5285 or via email at [email protected] for additional assistance.

What are the separation requirements between sewer/storm drain and water mains or laterals?

The required minimum separation between water main and sewer/storm drain lines is 10 feet horizontal and 1 foot vertical with water main above the sewer/storm drain line. If this separation is achievable, please review design policy section 2.05 and 2.06 and call Water Development at (951) 826-5285.

How can I obtain signatures on my final mylar plans?

To obtain mylar signatures, please contact Water Development at (951) 826-5285 to schedule an appointment to ensure Staff availability if over the counter signatures are requested. You may also drop off your mylars at RPU Office located at 3900 Main Street, 3rd Floor, and we will return the signed mylars within two business days.

For water plans, the mylars must be submitted to the Water Department after all required agencies have signed. Fees must be paid prior to final water plan approval signatures.


What is a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV)?