Riverside Public Utilities

Electric Rules & Rates

Electric Rules

  Name Effective Date
  General Provisions September 1, 2002
1. Adoption of Electric Rules and Definitions July 1, 2018
2. Character of Electric Service May 4, 2010
3. Establishment and Re-Establishment of Credit March 26, 2013
4. Deposits and Service Turn-On Charge July 1, 2024
5. Rendering and Payment of Bills March 26, 2013
6. Meter Investigations and Adjustments of Bills June 14, 2022
7. Discontinuance and Restoration of Electric Service July 1, 2024
8. Temporary Electric Service September 1, 2002
9. Shortage of Electric Supply and Interruption of Delivery December 2, 1990
10. Distribution System Additions February 12, 2011
11. Electric Service Facilities July 1, 2024
12. Electric Supply Through Master Metering and Resale of Electricity September 27, 2011
13. Utility's Right of Access March 26, 2013
14. Temporary Turn-On and Turn-Off of Electric Service for Repair September 1, 2002
15. Street Lighting - Unit of Benefit Charge May 4, 2010
16. Added Facilities December 2, 1990
17. Unmetered Electric Service December 2, 1990
19. Energy Diversion September 1, 2002
20. Special Services September 1, 2002
21. Disputed Bill Appeal Process June 14, 2022
22. Distributed Generation Facilities Interconnection July 1, 2024
Appendix A: Electric Fees and Charges Schedule July 1, 2024

Electric Rates

Name Effective Date
A - General Service January 1, 2024
D - Domestic Service January 1, 2024
D-TOU - Domestic Time-of-Use Service January 1, 2024
ED - Economic Development Rates – Attraction and Expansion January 1, 2019
EV - Domestic Electric Vehicle Separately Metered January 1, 2024
FIT - Feed-In Tariff (FIT) For Renewable Energy Generation Facilities December 13, 2022
FIT Pricing – Electric Rate Schedule FIT January 1, 2024
FIT Pricing – Electric Rate Schedule FIT January 1, 2023
LS-1 - Street Lighting Service- Department Financed January 1, 2024
LS-2 - Street Lighting Service- Customer Financed January 1, 2024
NEM - Net Energy Metering For Solar or Wind Turbine Electric Generating Facilities May 10, 2022
Net Surplus Energy Compensation Rate – Electric Rate Schedule NEM January 1, 2024
Net Surplus Energy Compensation Rate – Electric Rate Schedule NEM January 1, 2023
OL - Outdoor Lighting January 1, 2024
PA - Power – Agricultural and Pumping January 1, 2024
PCS - Direct Current Fast Charging Public Charging Station January 1, 2019
PW-1 - Wind Machines for Frost Protection January 1, 2024
SELF‐GEN – Self‐Generation Program For Renewable Electrical Generation Facilities November 1, 2022
Attachment 1 to Schedule Self-Gen - Avoided Cost of Energy Rate July 1, 2024
Attachment 1 to Schedule Self-Gen - Avoided Cost of Energy Rate July 1, 2023
S - Stand-By Service January 1, 2024
SMEVC - Separately Metered Electric Vehicle Charging January 1, 2024
TC - Traffic Control Service January 1, 2024
TOU - Large General and Industrial Service January 1, 2024