Riverside Public Utilities
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires


Start Service

If you are a new or returning customer and would like to start utility services, or if you are a current Riverside Public Utilities customer and would like to start service at an additional service location, please complete our Start Service form.

Start Service


Stop Service

If you are a current Riverside Public Utilities customer and would like to discontinue your services, please complete our Stop Service form.

Stop Service


Transfer Service

If you are moving from one address to another address, and both are serviced by Riverside Public Utilities, please provide your information by completing our Transfer Service form.

Transfer Service


Verify your Identity

Before receiving utility service, each Applicant will be required to provide identification and establish credit. Applicant must pay all prior delinquent City of Riverside Utility billings in full for which the Applicant is legally responsible before receiving utility service.


RPU verifies customer identity. If identity cannot be verified, you will be required to provide two separate pieces of valid identification (ID). One piece of valid ID must be a photo ID, and the second may either be:

• A second acceptable photo ID, or

• An acceptable alternate ID

Accepted forms of photo ID include: 

• U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card

• Certificate of Naturalization 

• Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)

• Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp

• Employment Authorization Document that contains a photograph (form I-766)

• Driver's license or ID card issued by federal, state, or local government agency or outlying possession of the United States

• U.S. Military card

• Native American tribal document  

• Driver's license issued by a Canadian government authority 


Forms of alternate ID are reviewed by Customer Service Department for approval and may include:

• Employment identification 

• Consular ID cards 


How can I submit my ID?

In-person at the following addresses:

3901 Orange Street


3025 Madison Street

What happens if I cannot provide ID?

Your Start Service request cannot be completed until the Customer Service Department reviews the documents provided. 

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