Utilicare Program
Utilicare is a medical support program offered to Riverside Public Utilities customers who regularly use certain medical devices. It provides electricity at an adjusted rate structure to any household with a full-time resident who regularly requires the use of any of these electronic devices:
- Permanently installed electric space heating for paraplegic, quadriplegic, hemiplegic or multiple sclerosis patients
- Permanently installed electric air conditioning for multiple sclerosis or scleroderma patients
- Request for an essential electric medical device not listed below is subject to approval
What are the Benefits?
At Riverside Public Utilities, we understand that certain medical conditions require the use of electronic devices or appliances. This may cause your electric consumption to increase beyond normal patterns. To help offset the added expenses a medical condition of this nature places on the household budget, the Utilicare program provides an adjusted rate structure for the use of certain medical equipment.
Important Notice
Although Riverside Public Utilities will make every effort to supply uninterrupted service, continuous service cannot be guaranteed. In the event of a power outage, patients requiring the use of life support equipment are responsible for providing their own backup power system. Program participation does not guarantee service on delinquent or past due accounts.
How Do I Apply?
A separate program application and physician’s certification of medical condition are required. To apply, please print the appropriate forms by clicking on the “Download Application” button on the upper right side of this page. Required forms should be completely filled out by the utility account holder and their physician, then mailed or dropped off at Customer Service at 3901 Orange Street, Riverside CA 92501.
If you have questions, please call Customer Service at 951-782-0330.
Typical Qualifying Medical Devices
- Aerosol tent
- Apnea monitor
- Blood pump
- Electric nerve stimulator
- Electrostatic nebulizer
- Extremity heating device for respirator pump
- Feeding Pump
- Hemodialysis machine
- Heparin pump
- Hospital bed
- IPPB machine
- Iron lung
- Motorized wheelchair
- Oxygen concentrator
- Portable volume ventilator
- Pressure pad
- Pressure pump
- Respirators
- Reverse osmosis system
- Suction device
- Ultrasonic nebulizer