A respectful workplace is a safe place for everyone that enters our doors.
The City of Riverside is committed to a workplace that requires acceptable behavior from everyone. A workplace that provides dignity, respect and civility to our employees, customers and the public. The City of Riverside has a zero tolerance for any behavior that offends, humiliates, intimidates, harasses, threatens, distresses, or intrudes upon any employee and their ability to perform their job or otherwise interferes with their personal sense of well-being.
A more positive workplace is everyone’s responsibility…
Find out what you can do!
Training Requirements and Policy Adherence
Complete mandatory Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention training every two years. Adhere to City standards for appropriate conduct in the workplace at all times.
Civility and Respect
Incorporate civility and respect in all communication – whether oral, written or nonverbal communication, maintain the highest levels of civility and respect for the intended audience.
Address Inappropriate Behavior
Manage conflicts in a timely and effective manner by bringing concerns to the attention of a supervisor, manager, or to the Human Resources Department. Enforce policies by detailing consequences for inappropriate behavior. Work toward constructive solutions and manage expectations for all parties involved.
Be a Role Model
Promote and reinforce the City’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace. Continuously model appropriate behavior and recognize those that embody the tenets of dignity, respect and civility.
BENEFITS of a Respectful Workplace
- Improved communication between people
- Increased teamwork
- Reduced stress
- Increased productivity
- Improved knowledge sharing
- Increased employee engagement
- Increased sense of fairness
Be Courteous
Acknowledgment and courtesy help build positive morale. Say ‘hello’, value others’ time, and give your full attention. It all goes a long way to promote a safe and healthy environment.
Use Respectful Language
Using simple words such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are easy ways to show respect. Yelling, use of profanity, demeaning or crude language will not be tolerated.
Practice Social Awareness
Be aware of your surroundings. Be considerate when making jokes, comments, or gestures that may not be appropriate in all situations.
Zero Tolerance
The City is committed to protecting our employees and maintaining a safe environment. Even a single incident of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be grounds for action and investigation by the City.
What do I do if I believe my rights to a respectful workplace have been violated?
Contact: Employee Relations Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (951) 826-5808