Human Resources

Open Enrollment


It's Open Enrollment Season! Open Enrollment is the time to select your benefit choices for 2020. The City will be accepting Open Enrollment changes through the Employee Online System from November 1st through November 22nd, 2019. Be advised that paper enrollment forms will not be accepted. Please review the Open Enrollment Benefit Letter for important 2020 plan changes.


  • A new, Blue Shield Trio HMO 20 plan will be offered. The new plan includes benefit coverage that mirrors the Blue Shield HMO 20, however monthly premiums are at a lower cost than the Blue Shield HMO 20 plan, and the only difference is a narrower network of doctors to choose from.
  • All Kaiser and Blue Shield plans experienced a rate increase. Please review your corresponding bargaining unit rate sheet for premium information.
  • There will be an increase to the annual benefit cap for Delta Dental DPO and Local Advantage dental plans from $2,000 to $2,500 as well as a rate increase. Additionally, Local Advantage will offer a 50% coverage for dental implants.
  • There will be an increased allowance for frames and lenses with VSP, from $120 to $150 per year.

The Human Resources Department will be offering Open Enrollment informational sessions, free flu shots, and free health screenings. The complete schedule of informational sessions can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

We encourage you to use on-line resources and toll-free provider numbers to obtain answers to questions from Plan Providers (e.g. Kaiser, Blue Shield of California, Delta, Local Advantage, and VSP) directly. You can obtain provider contact information by accessing the Provider Directory page. Specific problems or questions (e.g. billing) that cannot be addressed by the plan providers should be sent via email to [email protected] or by calling (951) 826-5639.


Health Plans

Blue Shield California Logo Kaiser Logo

For benefitted employees, the City offers Medical plans that are provided through Kaiser Permanente and Blue Shield California. Each medical plan offers range of benefits to employees and their families.

You can review each medical plan’s benefit summary and access the Provider website by utilizing the links below.