Riverside Public Utilities

Water Rebates

Riverside Public Utilities has formed a partnership with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) to streamline and automate the rebate process for high-efficiency toilets, clothes washers, irrigation controllers, and many other water-saving devices.

Rebates will now be administered and processed by MWD. Rebate applications and specific information is available at www.socalwatersmart.com.

To check the status of your application, please contact the SoCal Water$mart hotline at (888) 376-3314 or e-mail socalwatersmart@egia.org.


To apply today, please visit SoCal Water$mart.

SoCal Water Smart
Apply Today!


Indoor Rebates

Browse SoCal Water$mart indoor water rebates.

kid doing laundry

High-Efficiency Clothes Washers

High efficiency clothes washers use 55% less water than standard clothes washers. Rebates start at $285 for qualified clothes washers.


kid next to toilet

Premium High-Efficiency Toilets (PHETs)

PHETs use almost 20% less water than the current WaterSense standard toilets. Rebates start at $140 per eligible model.

Outdoor Rebates

Browse SoCal Water$mart outdoor water rebates.

water wise

Residential Turf Replacement Program

Reduce water usage by up to an estimated 60% by removing turf and converting to drought tolerant landscape. Rebates are $7 per square foot for the first 1,000 square feet of existing, irrigated turf that is removed and replaced with a climate-appropriate landscape. After 1,000 square feet, the rebate is $2 per square foot, up to a total of 5,000 square feet removed.

To estimate the rebate amount of your turf replacement project, visit SoCalWaterSmart's rebate estimator here.

*Please note, funds are limited.


  1. You must submit the Turf Replacement Rebate application and receive approval BEFORE you remove or kill existing turf.
  2. Once your project has received the "Pre-approval" email from the program administrator, EGIA, the square footage of the project and the total reserved rebate amount cannot be changed.
  3. Please review the amount of funds your project has been awarded in the Pre-approval email to confirm the rebate amounts.
  4. Should you have any questions prior to the start of your project or during your project, please contact:


  5. RPU Staff cannot answer questions regarding the expected delivery date of the rebate checks.


sprinkler girl

Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers (WBICs)

Weather Based Irrigation Controllers automatically adjust the irrigation schedule to account for changing weather, soil conditions and plant types. Rebates are up to $200/controller for less than 1 acre of landscape and $35/station for properties more than 1 acre.



Rotating Sprinkler Nozzles

Rotating sprinkler nozzles apply water more slowly and uniformly to prevent over-watering and encourage healthy plant growth. Rebates are $5/nozzle; minimum quantity of 30 nozzles.


rain barrels

Rain Barrels and Cisterns

Collecting and reusing rainwater for lawns and gardens minimizes the amount of water flowing into your storm drains, sewer systems and local waterways. Rebates start at $35 per barrel (up to 2 barrels) or $250 - $350 for cistern depending on gallon capacity.


soil moisture

Soil Moisture Sensor System

Soil Moisture Sensor System detects water needs by gauging the moisture present in the soil. Rebates start at $80/controller for less than 1 acre of landscape and $35/station for properties more than 1 acre.


soil moisture

 Water Flow Monitoring Devices

Water flow monitoring devices can help detect water leaks before they become a big problem. Rebates up to $175 available for eligible devices.


soil moisture

 Residential Hose Bib Irrigation Controllers

Hose bib irrigation controllers are an easy and effective way to make sure that you’re irrigating efficiently.


soil moisture

 Soaker Hose Incentive

Get a free soaker hose with proof of purchase of a hose bib timer and at least 1 bag of mulch. To receive your free soaker hose, please bring your proof of purchase for both the mulch and the hose bib timer to our Customer Resource Center Located at 3025 Madison St, Riverside, CA 92504.