Riverside Public Utilities

Electric Vehicle Rate

Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) now offers customers an opportunity to charge their electric vehicles (EV) using a separate meter provided by the Utility. All customers in single-family dwelling units served under the standard domestic rate are eligible.


Step 1: Application and Eligibility for Service

Customers must complete an application and attach the following:

  • Proof of ownership of all-electric vehicle(s). Choose one of the following acceptable documents:
    • Car Registration
    • Loan Documents
    • Sales Receipt
    • Insurance Card with Vehicle Make and Model
  • Proof of ownership of Level 2 (240v) car charger. Choose one of the following acceptable documents:
    • Paid in Full Receipt
    • Installation Receipt
    • Proof of Installation
  • Copy of latest RPU utility bill to verify that service location (Cannot be on D-TOU rate)
  • Signed EV Rate Application acknowledging rates, special conditions, installation fees, and terms of service. View rate schedule for EV (Separately Metered) PDF

Applications should be e-mailed to EVRATE@riversideca.gov


Step 2: Meter Shop Pre-Inspection

After completion of the EV Rate Application, an RPU Meter Technician will be dispatched to perform a visual inspection of your electric service panel. The following conditions must be met to move forward with the Electric Vehicle Charger Meter Adapter:

  • Panel must have modern circuit breakers - no push-matic style breakers or fuses
  • Panel must have all original covers including dead front cover on circuit breakers section
  • Panel must have main breaker
  • All breakers must operate properly - will reset if turned off or "exercised"
  • Panel must be original without any modifications
  • All busing and conductors shall be free of arc marks and burned areas
  • Meter jaws must be in good repair and pass a jaw tension test
  • Panel cover shall have a meter ring and must accept a meter lock ring
  • Panel must be located where an 8” deep meter and adapter combination will not be an obstruction or hazard
  • Panel must be 200 Amp maximum

Upon successful completion of the electric service panel visual inspection, you will be provided with a completion certificate to take with you to the One Stop Shop to obtain your permit.


Step 3: Get a Permit and Pay Fees

After successful completion of the electric panel visual inspection, a customer will need to prepare their home for installation of the Generation Meter Adapter.

Customer must complete the following steps in order:

  1. Hire a licensed electrical contractor to perform all necessary electrical work to prepare their home for the Electric Vehicle Meter Adapter.
  2. Review installation documentation with their electrical contractor
  3. Gather and prepare documentation to apply for a permit at the City’s One Stop Shop.
    • Approved Electric Meter Shop Visual Inspection Form
    • Your EV charger installation guide and specification sheet along with listings
    • A site plan to scale that includes: project address, property owner information, a detailed scope of work, depicts all property lines and the building footprint of the house and garage, shows the existing electrical service location and all proposed work.
  4. Apply for a permit at the City’s One Stop Shop and pay costs for Electric Vehicle Meter Adapter installation
    • Existing 240v Outlet – $214.00**
    • New 240v Outlet - $214.00**
    • Adapter Permit - $903.00
    • Conduit, Wiring, Fittings, and Straps - $75.00
    • Installation Labor $200.00
  5. Complete the work necessary to prepare for the electric vehicle meter adapter and call (951) 826-5361 for a final building inspection.
  6. After the final building inspection is successfully completed, an RPU Meter Technician will install the Electric Vehicle Meter Adapter

*All fees payable upon issuance of building permit

**Price may vary


Applications should be e-mailed to EVRATE@riversideca.gov



Step 4: Take advantage of RPU EV Rebates

After installation of the Electric Vehicle Meter Adapter, be sure to take advantage of the following incentive(s):


Time-of-Use EV Rate Meter Rebate


RPU customers have an opportunity to charge their electric vehicles using a separate Time-of-Use (TOU) meter provided by RPU. Eligible customers can receive up to a $805 rebate to cover the cost of the EV meter adapter installation.


Submit Required Documents for Eligibility: 

  • A photo of the installed EV charger 
  • A copy of the Building/Electrical Inspection Sign Off that is provided by the Riverside Building Inspector after the charging station has been installed and inspected 
  • A photo of the serial number on the charger  
  • One Stop Shop Receipt  
  • All charging station purchase and installation receipts 

Copies of required documents can be submitted by: 


Upon approval, your rebate check will arrive by mail in 6 to 8 weeks.  

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to submit application and required documents for the EV Level 2 Residential Charger Rebate. Learn more about Electric Vehicles and other EV Rebates available here.

*Rebate program is subject to all general program guidelines and offer is on a first-come, first served basis and is effective until funding is expended, or the program is discontinued.